Friday, May 9, 2008

20500198 entry #9

The investment in extremely big business technology project
The Europe India Gateway high-bandwidth cable system will cost more than $700 million and will have at least 16 partners

When do business, sometimes we need a certain extremely big business technology project. But it's cost is too large to taken by just one company. So the partnership is very important. If we find suitable partner to co-invest to that project, we both can be winners in the market of their own. For example, here is the Europe India Gateway high-bandwidth cable system. It will cost more than $700 million. For this project, at least 16 partners cooperate. When this project completed and can use this technology in the Europe, India, and Africa, the company that participated in this project will can earn a lot. In the global generation, the ability to make partnership is very important as well as the ability to do well in business alone to all company that want to be global company.


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