Wednesday, June 11, 2008

20300244 entry 13

LGE moves closer to making English its official language

LG Electronics Inc. employees will be banned from using the Korean language in e-mails directed to the company's overseas operations, as part of the aim of adopting English as its official language.

English will be the official language for e-mail communications between the company's local and overseas operations, the company officials said yesterday. Korean will be allowed in cases where the use of the language is unavoidable with English translations. The company's "Speak English" campaign started early last year.

LG officials said they hope such a sweeping change will help facilitate smoother information sharing among its overseas units and the company's non-Korean employees keep up to date with developments at its headquarters in Korea.

Since the end of last year, the company has held the management's meetings in English to cater for non-Korean executives whose numbers have been growing.

Last month, LG Electronics hired a British expert as its chief human resources officer in the latest addition to its growing lineup of foreign C-suite executives. At the management meetings, presentations as well as all related materials are provided in English. Held twice a month, the management meetings are attended by the company's top executives including the company's CEO Nam Yong, heads of various business branches and other high ranking officials.

In 2005, the nation's leading maker of electronics appliances removed the Korean language from its intranet and in January last year, the company's CEO gave a speech in English at a global conference of its executives.

The Korea's tech giant has also changed accounting, marketing, production and personnel management systems into English and plans to produce company policies and regulations in English.

In April last year, the company set up a language support center to facilitate the transition from Korean to English. Known as the English center, the organization is responsible for carrying out duties related to adopting English as the company's official language both at its headquarters and at its 114 overseas operations. In order to encourage the use of English, the center has also been compiling a list of commonly used work-related English phrases.

By Choi He-suk


My thought,

Business is the fastest area of changing. To survive, company can not stay what they are. They have no choice but change. LG E is showing us what we should do for the future as a company and a nation which face global world. English speaking is going to be more critical to us. As a company grows to a global company, communication is so critical at the company for many of reasons. Without well communication, as one reason, any firm can not have competitiveness to its competitors.
Korea become a leading nation in the globe with no sufficient natural sources in the land, like that we can be a good communicator as a leading nation in the global business with non-English speaking back ground. I believe there is a solution to this problem. We just need to jump in to this problem to solve this problem. And LG E has started.

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